Call for Sites - Public Consultation
The Parish Council is leading the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan to influence the future development of Ingoldisthorpe.
Our Neighbourhood Plan will give Ingoldisthorpe greater control over development, allowing local people to influence the type, size, and location of development in the village. It is very likely that over the course of the life of this Neighbourhood Plan (15 years) new housing developments will come forward; this is your opportunity to influence where potential new housing development would best take place.
Last year, in April 2024, the Parish Council surveyed the views of all local residents of Ingoldisthorpe. There was general support via a community survey for the allocation of new housing in the plan. Whilst there was not strong consensus on the location there was consensus that future developments should be small scale, 2 or 3 beds and for local people. Though similar numbers thought that we shouldn't have any developments, the Parish Council doesn't have the power to stop future development in its entirety.
The Parish Council has been investigating allocating areas for development and in September 2024 asked local landowners if they had any sites they would like to consider for future development. Five sites in total were submitted and have since been assessed by our consultants for their deliverability.
We would now like your views on four of those sites, one or more of which could be allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan. Please consider what sites could be appropriate for inclusion in the Plan, and where you may have concerns, what specifically are they and what could we ask developers to do to help alleviate them.
Questions with a * require a response.
Click here to access the on-line survey
Ingoldisthorpe Site Assessment
Click here for the Ingoldisthorpe Site Assessment
Call for Sites Questionnaire
Click here to download a hard copy of the Call for Sites questionnaire
More Information
Click on the link for more information on the call for sites public consultation